About us
trackIT Systems is a company that was founded in 2023 as a spin-off from the Nature 4.0 – Sensing Biodiversity research project at Philipps University Marburg. We develop and distribute solutions for digital environmental monitoring and species protection, whereby the developments are carried out in close cooperation with the users. In this way, complex inventions resulting from academic research are made available to a broad user community and support is ensured beyond academic project cycles.
Examples of these developments include an automatic radio telemetry system that enables the live tracking of small animals, acoustic sensors that use machine learning methods (artificial intelligence) to determine the species recorded in the field and transmit the results to a server system, where they are then immediately visualized for the user, and visual sensors that can be used to specifically observe the behaviour of certain individuals in their natural habitat – this also works for small animal species such as bats.

All developments are based on the same software stack, allowing the system to be easily expanded with additional sensors. In addition to the sensors, the trackIT Systems offering includes a database with an easy-to-use user interface (app) for the standardized recording of metadata, such as characteristics of observed individuals (species, gender, weight, etc.). A data analysis unit then blends the information from the metadata database with the data recorded by the sensors and uses it to create ecologically relevant analyses.
Our products are currently being used, for example, in research into the cause of death of chicks of meadow-breeding waders, in a reintroduction project for the Dupont’s lark, in pesticide exposure studies and environmental impact assessments. The species range includes birds such as waders and songbirds, small mammals such as bats and martens, as well as amphibians and reptiles. Our current focus is on the implementation of the various projects. If we have aroused your interest, please contact us.